February 25th 2015 at 11:42am
Keslie Kay Cunningham came earthside.
3 days old and she's already showing us her adorable personality.
3 months old and wearing 6month outfits. Shes our chunk, tank, ect.
Keslie has been such a fun addition to the family. She was born with a healthy set of lungs and a hearty appetite. I've been lucky that she's been such a great little eater and nursing has been a breeze. Now naps and sleeping through the night could use some serious work.
Well later in the summer we bought a boat! It is so fun.
Fishing and swimming just got so much cooler.
Swimming in Deer Creek was so much fun!
Mizz Keslie likes her dad, A LOT.
And she loves the boat.
Cailyn lost another tooth on the way home from the lake.
She was so excited!
The girls and I took a quick trip to Starvation Res in Duchesne while the septic tank stunk up the house. We played in the lake and stayed in a nice hotel while daddy worked. It was Keslie's first time in the water and she loved it! Kinda.
4th of July and July 24th was way fun. Cailyn was chosen to be part of Mona Royalty! Her and 5 other kids got to ride on the float and throw out candy. It was just a bummer that she had pink eye and a cold so she had to come home right after. The girls still got matching outfits out of it though!
Summer isn't complete without Ute Stampede Rodeo Carnival!
We also took a fun trip to Fish Lake! Good fishing and perfect weather!
We had a wonderful time.
Even got a family picture in!
Cailyn played soccer and loved it! She did so well and I'm really glad she likes soccer.
We watched the fireworks on the 24th from our front yard and had a great time.
I even bought sparklers. We live on the edge.
Here's the tank. She about can't hold her! Cailyn is an amazing helper and big sister.
Juab County Fair! Takes about 5 min to see everything. Good times.
Another fishing trip to Strawberry Res. Caught tons of crawfish.
Just no actual fish.
Once in awhile we get a 30min visit from the grandma and grandpa.
This visit was slightly longer and we loved it!
We had to take one more camping trip before school started.
Literally, the day before.
Scofield is always fun. Girls were sword fighting.
I think.
First day of school!!!
2nd Grade, 2015-16
Mrs. Butterfield is her teacher.
Cailyn lost another tooth the night before school started. That makes 4 teeth lost.
Oh boy.
I love this picture. The older girls love playing in the lake. Carly is fearless and was showing Cailyn how to pick up mud without getting her face wet. Keslie just watched and smiled.
Until she fell asleep.
Well, all caught up.
We are back at school and working on the bus and our happy grind.
I feel so motivated to keep this updated. I have so much to be thankful for
that I don't want to forget anything.