It sucks. It sucks so so bad.
It sucks so bad that I lost my shit and told my 9 and 6 year old that Santa was fake. He wasn't real.
He never was real.
All the toys came from mom and dad. Minds blown. Tears flowed. And then we all got over it.
I knew somehow I needed to explain it to them. This meaning of Christmas. I knew I needed to show them what Christmas really was. That part I hadn't really thought out.
I was in charge of the Food Drive this year for our local elementary. We collected lots of food and it was time to take it to the local food bank. I asked my girls if they would help and they were happy to do it. Especially because there was a cute boy who was helping too. We loaded all the food into the truck and headed for the food bank. Once there, we unloaded all the food again and took it into the food bank. Once inside my kids saw shelves full of food and three sweet ladies who were there to organize it. They explained to the kids why we need the food bank and how they were helping local families have a nice Thanksgiving dinner. I felt so thankful in that moment that I could tell my kids just what Christmas was.
"THIS IS CHRISTMAS", I said. This is everything that Christmas is about! Jesus Christ lived to serve. We celebrate Christmas because of Jesus."
The lights came on in their eyes and with smiles they said they really like this kind of Christmas.
The whole way home they talked about how good they felt and how glad they are that all families can have a nice dinner.
While I was kind of mean telling them Santa wasn't real, I don't regret it. Not at all.
I was raising brats. No joke. All they talk about is what they want. They never talk about what they can give or do for others. I was disappointed in myself as a parent. I wasn't doing it right. I wasn't raising grateful children. Our world so desperately needs grateful children. We need kind children who will grow up to be kind adults. Kindness starts when we are grateful for what we have and then share it with others.
My kids are over the idea of Santa. They have had friends tell them that I don't know what I'm talking about and I'm wrong. Oh well. They have friends who want to believe and that's nice. My kids will just have a different kind of Christmas this year. And it will be amazing. It will be worth remembering.
So to my girls,
I love you more than I love Christmas. I want to teach you to be kind and generous. I hope you always feel the magic and Spirit of Christmas. I hope you think of all the good you can do for others this time of year. I hope you feel the Love of the Savior all your life but especially during this time of year when we celebrate the birth of Christ. Christmas is more than the gifts. It is more than the lights and fun. It is a time to think of others. It is a time to be thankful. Always remember who you are and how you can help.
Love, Mom