Its cold outside and I'm very comfy in my jammies so I think I'll hold off another day or so.
Taking it all down was so fast and easy. Putting it up took hours.
The house is neat and orderly and I like it that way.
The girls are playing in a messy room but that's starting to become a normal part of life.
Husband is hard at work in the oilfield world.
Its going to be very, very long 28 days.
He just left Wednesday morning. 2am kind of morning.
I decided I wasn't going to keep up Bergie's Buttons and Lace anymore. Not because I didn't love it but because I need to downsize.
My kids are either at a very annoying age or I'm at a very impatient age.
Regardless, I need to be a better mom and person to my girls. They need more attention from me.
I intend to give them a mom who cares. Who reads to them. Who listens to them. Who doesn't shew them out when I'm trying to work.
Bergies was a great hobby and it still is but I'm taking a much more lax approach to it.
Like I'll do make something if I want too or if someone needs something.
I want to sew anyway. I want to start learning how quilt/sew and make clothing.
That alone will take time I don't have.
I just think I've filled my time with so many of my own hobbies that I didn't make time for my kids and teaching them, playing with them and being with them.
They have so much stuff but they seem to never be satisfied. They always want more.
I taught them that.
Who else taught them that stuff wont satisfy?
If I can downsize my stuff than I can teach them to downsize their stuff.
The time we have can be spent together doing meaningful stuff.
Having kids is like have little mirrors walking around showing you your bad side.
Drives me nuts having a 5 year old who reminds me everyday of all the things I need to work on to be a better person.
Upside is if I can be better, so can she. She'll just copy me either way I go.
See, little bears.
My little loves.
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