Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 and All the Things

I debated whether or not I would start up my blog again.
Start a whole new blog all together.
Do nothing.

I feel like no matter what I do I will forget the little things that my kids do that I felt were so big at the time. They were big things.
But still forgot about them. I still got busy with other things and before I knew it they were bigger and talk-ier and doing more amazing things that I will inevitably forget.

I think that is the only reason I got back on here. My mind isn't strong enough to hold all the memories. Writing seems to be the only art in which I can hold on too my kids childhood.
And obviously the pictures help. I have no problem taking a million pictures.

Also, 2016 was a major shit storm as far as life goes. We were handed more bad news and ugly people than I care to ever remember.

We began the year unemployed and ended it just the same. Corey had a couple jobs in between that pretended to pay but we never made enough to save anything. My bus driving has been our saving grace and I'm always thankful for crazy job.

We relied on our savings this year and I'll be forever thankful that we are savers. This year could have looked much different if we didn't save for this rainy shit storm of a year.

While I'd like to go on and on about how bad the year was, it was also filled with more love and more memories than I would have expected.

We went fishing more.
We spent more time as a family.
Corey found a new hobby in welding that will turn into an income soon.
Cailyn found independence in responsability.
Carly found out she is stronger and more capable if she just tries.
Keslie found her voice and place in our family.
I adjusted to the season I'm in and embraced all the change without having a total mental breakdown.

I think overall we had a good year.
Not financially.
But we made it. We're still in it too.

Each new year brings this new Hope though.
We all get so excited for this New Year, aka. New Hope.
I, for one, will hold on to the new hope like its my life jacket in a raging river.

So for good measure, here is what I want to remember about 2016.

So with that, I will sign off and chat at ya later.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you started posting again. It's always fun to keep track of you on instagram, but blogs tell more of the story. I can appreciate your struggles with unemployment, as we have been the same since June. I still stage homes and such, but Mr. Wonderful's been searching--even after getting another degree--and we're hopeful that a job he recently audited will work out, and it's in Oregon! Anyway, you have a great family, Sadie. Keep blogging the memories!
